Sembabule District comprises of 4 counties (17 Sub-counties):-
1, Mawogola West County consisting of 3 sub-counties viz. Lwebitakuli, Katwe and Nakasenyi;
2. Mawogola South County with 3 sub-counties including Mateete Town Council, Mateete Rural sub-county and Mitete Sub-county;
3. Mawogola North County with 6 sub-counties: Sembabule Town Copuncil, Mijwaala, Kawanda, Mabindo, Lugusulu and Mitima;
And 4. Lwemiyaga County with 4 sub-counties including Bulongo, Nabitanga, Ntuutsi, Lwemiyaga and Kyeera.
As of today 18th of June 2024, Hon Mary has so far contributed the following items to all sub-counties mentioned above:-
Mawogola West County
a, Lwebitakuli Sub-county
- goats, sewing Machines and bicycles to vulnerable secondary going children worth 10.5m UGX
- 7 m UGX boda boda initial deposit for acquiring motorcycles on a loan scheme
- 3 community roads worth 5 m UGX
- Lwebitakuli Church of Uganda main door at 8 m UGX
- Rwamakombe Full Gospel Church 1.5 m for Church Choir uniform
- Lwebitakuli Mosque 1.5m UGX (okusibulula)
- Kabaka’s Run 12m (4m * 3 years)
- Lwebitakuli Prison Solar 0.5 m UGX
- Nankondo – Emijoozi 0.4m UGX
- Lwebitakuli SSS – 5 Dell Computers
- Bright SSS TV set, a cow worth 1.6m UGX & 10,000 cc crest tank worth 2.1 m UGX
- Nabiseke thanksgiving party 11 m UGX
- Lwembogo thanksgiving party 7 m UGX – a cow, rice and soft drinks plus music system
b, Nakasenyi Sub-county
- Ntete Catholic Church 4m UGX
- Ntete sports gala 5m UGX
- Balokole conference 5m UGX
- Katoogo Sports 0.5m UGX
- Kabaale parish hailstorm intervention 6m UGX
- Michwa Church of Uganda 0.5m UGX
- Senyange Mosque 1m UGX
- Lyabuguma & Kanoni boreholes repairs 1m UGX
Katwe Sub-county
- Kinywamazzi Dam excavation 7m UGX
- Kyagunda – Kamburara community road construction 5m UGX
- Katwe Catholic Church 1.5m UGX + 5m UGX= 6.5m UGX
- Katwe sports gala 3m UGX
- Kenziga Women Groups 8 * 300,000 UGX= 2,4m UGX
- Thanksgiving function 8m UGX
- Katwe boda stage 300,000 UGX
- Vunza Pentecostal church 1 speaker 500,000 Ugx
- Vunza & Kenziga Water dams 800,000 Ugx
c, Mateete Rural Sub-county
- Kayunga Dam excavation 2m UGX
- Bituntu Catholic Church 6m UGX
- Misojo Sports gala 6m UGX
- Bugenge sports 1.5m UGX
- Seeds distribution
Mateete Town Council
- Kikalakata House construction for the vulnerable
- 10 Computers to Mateete Seed School
- 15m UGX to Mateete Seed School
- A cow to Mateete Seed School worth 2m UGX
- 3 Computers to Maccos
- 0.4 UGX to Bazaala Primary School
- 3.5m UGX distributed to different boda stages in Mateete
- Mateete Masjid a cow worth 2m UGX and 70 KG of Rice
- Mateete Women’s tent
- Mateete Prisons 1.5m UGX
- Tree-planting 4m UGX
- Women’s day 32m UGX
Mitete Sub-county
- Kyebongotoko thanksgiving party
- Mitete Council 2m Ugx
- Kyebongotoko Church of Uganda 4.5m Ugx
- Nsangala road repair 300,000 Ugx
- Mitete 2 boreholes repair 800,000 Ugx
- Lusalira Full Gospel Church 4 Speakers
- Lusalira SSS 1m Ugx
Mawogola North County
Mijwaala Sub-county
- Kyatulo church Piano 2.3m Ugx
- lobbied a transformer for Busheka
- Nambirizi catholic church 4m Ugx
- Beans & maize seeds
Sembabule Town council
- Council meeting 2m Ugx
- Council hall furniture 2m Ugx
- Bricks (vulnerable woman) 300,000 Ugx
- Adventist Church 2m Ugx
- water pump to Kyolora councillor 350,000 Ugx
- Sembabule Farmers’ Sacco 2 computers & 2m Ugx
Rwenzaza Church of Uganda Piano 2.3m Ugx
Mabindo Sub-county
- Church of Uganda Mabindo 1.5m Ugx
- Women groups 500,000 Ugx
- Mayinja Cup 2m Ugx & Emijoozi (Jerseys)
- Mabindo parish loud speaker 1.2m Ugx
- Seeds
- Kikoma SSS computers (3)
Kawanda Sub-county
- 25 chairs per zone 38m Ugx
- Seeds Maize & beans
- Contribution to public toilet construction 2m Ugx
- Council meeting 6m Ugx
Lugusulu sub-county
Not yet visited
Lwemiyaga County
Lwemiyaga Sub-county
- Police office repair 500,000 Ugx
- 5 computers Lwemiyaga SSS 10m Ugx
- boda Kayiira stage 500,000 Ugx
- Covid intervention package to local leaders 1.5m Ugx
- Kampala Lugamba school 2m Ugx
- Kampala Rugamba church 500,000 Ugx
- Sports gala 15m Ugx
Kyeera Sub-county
- Rwembweera church paint 1 m Ugx
- Kiribedda Pentecostal church 1m Ugx
- Nkonge police office 300,000 Ugx
- Nkonge market construction 1m Ugx
- Kyakacunda balokole 1.25m UGX
- Kyeera boda stage 300,000 Ugx
- Mpumudde boda Stage 1m Ugx
- Brand new motorcycle Kyeera sub-county 5m Ugx
- Disaster response – lobbying 3 trucks of food (Prime Minister’s office)
- cow for Church of Uganda 2.5m Ugx
Nabitanga Sub-county
- council sitting 2m Ugx
Ntuutsi Town-council
- St Ann Catholic Church 2m Ugx
- 3 computers
- boda reflectors
Bulongo Sub-county
- Political leaders meeting 2m Ugx
- Grace’s church 1m Ugx
- Kakinga church of Uganda 500,000 Ugx
The following items were offered to the whole district:-
- Seeds (beans & Maize)
- Jersey – Kabaka’s run for the consecutive 3 years
- Farming tractor